Algeria Between the Fight Against Corruption and the Search for Consensus

Mohamed Al-Sbitli

Since the fall of President Abdelaziz Bouteflika, the anti-corruption campaign has continued in Algeria and has affected a large number of military and civilian officials. The anti-corruption campaign started immediately after the resignation of the President and the completion of the “Fifth Covenant” project, mainly targeting the Bouteflika’s entourage. In parallel, Movement activities continue every Friday, and the mediation and dialogue efforts also continue. The latter completed its work and submitted a report to the current President. Therefore, it can be said that the next stage will be the beginning of the transition to the normal situation, i.e. the transitional stage leading to presidential elections. This is what made the Deputy Minister of Defense and Chief of Staff to repeatedly stresses the need to call the electorate. On the other hand, the parties are still operating in a divided and hesitant situation. The initiative seemed more in the hands of the authority than the opposition. The momentum of the weekly demonstrations is declining even if it continues on Fridays.

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