Research Papers

Author: Professor Lord David Alton, Dr. Wael Aleji
This article reflects on the deteriorating situation of religious freedom in Iran and warns Western politicians of the complex nature of the Iranian regime and the extremist ideology underpinning its politics and behaviors. This article argues that the phenomena, or notion of “global Jihad” is not an “exclusively Sunni product” but an ideology shared across all Political Islam Movements, Sunni and Shia alike, this fact is widely overlooked in the West. And whilst many Arab countries have taken drastic measures to counter extremism by challenging its narratives and interrupting its supply routes, Iran continues to spread sectarianism and religious extremis
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Author: Umer Karim
The Chinese-Indian engagement within Ladakh suggests that the Rubicon has been crossed and the bilateral relationship of both sides will never be the same. This change in strategic and tactical picture is invariably bound to impact upon Pakistan’s political and security calculus towards India. India may exercise strategic restraint against China but its weaker neighbors particularly Pakistan could be a target of its ire. Yet, Pakistan will not remain silent and respond in a
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Author: Karolen Eid, Maha Fallatah, Makio Yamada
  Over the past decade, Saudi women’s participation in the workforce has increased at a rapid pace. At the end of the 2000s, only 48,406 of Saudi women worked in the private sector; by the end of 2019, the number had leaped to 558,892. Although the figure is still half that of Saudi men (1,141,812), the change in the number of private-sector employees has lately been constantly higher among Saudi women than among Saudi men. While the number of Saudi men in the private sector decreased by 19,762 over the 12 months to the end of 2019, the number of Saudi women in the private sector increased by 16,493 in the same period.    From this, some
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Author: Joseph A. Kéchichian
This commentary discusses sectarianism in Lebanon as demands for basic rights, meaningful political and economic reforms, and full-scale accountability in a country where successive leaders failed to tackle challenges. It asks whether Sunnis and Christians in Lebanon are in danger and raises the specter of forced expulsions of repatriations.
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Author: Hanaa Almoaibed
This report suggests two approaches to elevate the status of TVET (technical and vocational education and training) in Saudi Arabia. First, toattract students both at the high school and postsecondary levels, TVET must be seen as a usefulfield of education that provides a pathway to employment. To bring about this transition, thequality of the TVET curricula must improve. In particular, the curriculum must better alignwith industry needs, which requires deeper stakeholder engagement. Second, to enhance theperformance of TVET students, effective strategies to improve student motivation must bedeveloped. Such strategies include the deployment of diverse performance indicators, withwhich stu
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Author: Edited by Mohamed Al-Sbitli
A third issue published of The African follow ups, full of geostrategic articles about the Horn of Africa, especially Somalia, Eritrea and Kenya. In addition to dealing with the spread of extremist movements in central and southern Africa, and the repercussions of environmental degradation on the civil peace in Chad. Articles cover several regions of the continent in the north, south and east, on political, economic and social aspects.
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Author: Maha Fallatah
To develop the tourism sector as a main pillar of economic diversification, Saudi Arabia has been investing in heritage sites, museums, luxury resorts, and state-of-the-art entertainment venues across the country. One noteworthy fact about Saudi tourism is that, while increasing numbers of tourists travel by air and railways, the primary mode of domestic transportation, largely for nationals and residents, remains by land. In the first quarter of 2019, roads were used for 90.5% of domestic tourist transportation and 21.8% of international tourist arrivals. This suggests the importance of taking into account road travel experience as an indispensable element of Saudi tourism&mdas
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Number: 8
Edited by: Saud al-Sarhan & Mark C. Thompson
The KFCRIS weekly report on the regional and international impacts of coronavirus (COVID-19) comes at a critical time. In response to the spreading pandemic, governments continue to enforce quarantines, curfews and ‘lockdowns’ that impact national economies and the lifestyles of millions of people. Hence, this weekly report aims to interview a diverse range of individuals including policy makers, academics, and thinkers to seek their opinions on the impact of this pandemic as it relates to their area of interest.
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Author: Freddie Neve
This report analyzes Saudi Arabia’s response to the COVID-19 Pandemic up to late May 2020.
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Edited by: Freddie Neve
Saudi Arabia has taken the threat of the novel coronavirus seriously, responding rapidly and robustly to slow its spread in the Kingdom and the wider Middle East. Saudi Arabia’s first confirmed case of COVID-19 was on March 2, 2020, in a citizen from Qatif, in Saudi Arabia’s Eastern province, who had traveled from Iran via Bahrain.(1) The Kingdom had already taken action before that point. Five days prior   This report analyzes Saudi Arabia’s Response to the Coronavirus COVID-19 Pandemic
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