Panel Discussion: Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (with International Association for the Study of Arabia)
Panel Discussion
On Monday November 30, 2020, the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) and the International Association for the Study of Arabia (IASA) co-convened an online panel discussion entitled “Recent Archaeological Discoveries in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.” The opening remarks were given by Dr. Noel Brehony (Chairman, International Association for the Study of Arabia (IASA)). Three speakers joined the panel discussion: Dr. Jasir Al-Herbish (Chef Executive Officer, Heritage Commission), Dr. Abdullah M. Alsharekh (Associate Professor, Archeology, King Saud University), Prof, Michael Petraglia (Professor, Human Revolution and Prehistory, Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History). The discussion was moderated by Dr. Derek Kennet (Associate Professor, Archeology, University of Durham).