Panel Discussion (Invitation Only): Piercing Through the Fogs of War: What Other Conflicts Can Teach Us About End State Options in Yemen

Panel Discussion (Invitation Only)

On Tuesday October 5, 2021, the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) and Center for Humanitarian Dialogue co-convened a closed panel discussion entitled "Piercing Through the Fog of War: What Other Conflicts Can Teach Us About End State Options in Yemen” in the presence of the Acting Secretary-General of KFCRIS, Turki Al-Shuwaier. The opening remarks were given by Dr. Mansoor Almarzooqi (Prince Saud Al Faisal Institute for Diplomatic Studies) and Francis Ward (Center for Humanitarian Dialogue). Two speakers joined the panel discussion: Dr. Maria Fantappie (Center for Humanitarian Dialogue) and Adam Baron (Center for Humanitarian Dialogue). The discussion was moderated by Dr. Abdullah Hamidaddin (Head of Yemen Studies Unit, King Faisal Center for research and Islamic Studies).



The current conflict in Yemen has invited much thought and analysis on the causes of the war and the various ways to bring it to an end. However, relatively little to no discussion on the transitional phase and post-war peace. As many experts on post war societies have observed, ending a war does not end the conflict, and a peace process may create new reasons for conflict. The workshop will provide a space for dialogue on matters of peacebuilding and risks of protracted conflict in post-war times. In doing so, comparative case examples will be explored, highlighting what worked, what failed and why and extracting lessons that might be relevant to Yemen’s specific context. 

The purpose of this workshop is to engage parties in a discussion on what Yemen will look like after the conflict and how to localize the peace process. By providing a platform to formulate and discuss options based on comparative examples, the hoped-for outcome is to generate new approaches and insights for conflicting issues that will ultimately inform the peace process in Yemen.