Panel Discussion (Invitation Only): Promoting International Cooperation in Cyberspace: Opportunities and Challenges
Panel Discussion (Invitation Only)
On Monday October 4, 2021, the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) and Center for Humanitarian Dialogue co-convened a closed panel discussion entitled "Promoting International Cooperation in Cyberspace: Opportunities and Challenges” in the presence of the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the KFCRIS, HRH Prince Turki AlFaisal. The opening remarks were given by Abdurhman M. Al Hassan (Deputy Governor for International Cooperation, National Cybersecurity Authority) and Adam Cooper (Director of Digital Conflict, Center for Humanitarian Dialogue). Two speakers joined the panel discussion: Dr. Mariam Nouh (Assistant Professor, King Abdulaziz City for Science and Technology) and James Shires (Center for Humanitarian Dialogue). The discussion was moderated by Dr. Abdullah Hamidaddin (Head of Yemen Studies Unit, King Faisal Center for research and Islamic Studies).
Technology is transforming the conduct of traditional diplomacy and conflict resolution. It is widely recognized that uncertainty over the content and scope of international governing frameworks for cyber operations presents a challenge for international security. Understanding how the cyber component of international disputes can be managed through dialogue and the development of confidence-building measures CBMs has become critical for all conflict resolution practitioners. Dialogue and CBMs can be facilitated by reliable and secure mechanisms for sharing information on cyber threats between states, to build trust and cooperation.
The purpose of this workshop is to share perspectives between the Center for Humanitarian Dialogue (HD) and relevant officials and experts from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on international cooperation in cyberspace. HD’s digital conflict team will share their perspectives on the strategic logic of cyber operations in different contexts, an analysis of existing cyber-diplomatic platforms and their prospects for success, views from different governments on key challenges in cyberspace; and the identification of potential areas for further cyber cooperation at global, regional, and bilateral level. Experts and scholars from the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will share how cyber-diplomacy may relate to traditional security challenges, lessons learnt from conflict management in other domains, and prior experiences with cyber cooperation and information sharing in the Gulf.