Workshop (invitation only): The Future of Arab-African Relations

Workshop (invitation only)

On Wednesday, February 28, 2024, the King Faisal Center for Research and Islamic Studies (KFCRIS) held a Workshop entitled “The future of Arab-African Relations,”

Six speakers joined the discussion: Dr. Abdulrahim Al-Hassan (Researcher, Shaqra University), Dr. Afyare Elmi (Research Professor, Mogadishu City University), Dr. Ismaila Dankoma (Resercher and Expert on African affairs), Dr. Adeoue Akinola (Head of Research and Teaching, and Head of African Union Studies, Institute for Pan-African Thought and Conversion, University of Johannesburg), Prof. Ali Chebbi (International Expert in Economics, Tunis First University),and Dr. Mouhamed Bachir (Researcher Specializing in African affairs).

The Head of African Studies Program Assistant at KFCRIS, Dr. Mohamed Al-Sbitli delivered the opening remarks. The discussion was held in the presence of HRH Princess Maha bint Mohammed AlFaisal, the Secretary-General of the KFCRIS.