Africa Followups

Author: Edited by Mohamed Al-Sbitli
The August 2020 African Follow-ups edition deals with a series of articles related to some of the political, economic, cultural and security developments taking place in the countries of the African continent. In particular, Ethiopia, Eritrea, Sudan, Mali, Senegal, Chad and Tanzania. The issue also includes a study on the role played by al-Azhar foundation in spreading education and moderate religious thought in Africa.

Author: Edited by Mohamed Al-Sbitli
The fourth issue of "African Mutabaat " deals with the political and economic repercussions of the Corona pandemic on the various regions of the African continent, the emergence of political and financial crises could further complicate the African situation, all of which have implications for the plans and projects of the African Union Organization. Studies address the evolution of the epidemiological situation, how governments respond to it, and its implications for certain social groups, such as refugees and displaced persons. In addition, it also discusses the future of cooperation between different regions, particularly in the field of food trade, in light of current

Author: Edited by Mohamed Al-Sbitli
A third issue published of The African follow ups, full of geostrategic articles about the Horn of Africa, especially Somalia, Eritrea and Kenya. In addition to dealing with the spread of extremist movements in central and southern Africa, and the repercussions of environmental degradation on the civil peace in Chad. Articles cover several regions of the continent in the north, south and east, on political, economic and social aspects.

Author: Edited by Mohamed Al-Sbitli
This second issue of African follow-up is devoted to the file of the Ethiopian Renaissance Dam as a geopolitical issue. The Ethiopian vision and the positions of Sudan and Egypt on the issue of the dam were presented, which sparked long differences and negotiations without reaching a compromise solution. The file also included the positions of Somalia, Eritrea and Djibouti. The articles presented clarify the backgrounds of disputes and documents on which the countries concerned depended on determining their position. An article on the Muslim community in South Africa was assigned to this issue.
*Available in Arabic only