Dirasat (KFCRIS Papers)

Number: 40
Author: Sarah Alotaibi
This study aims to describe the status of the renewable energy sector in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and its development stages, by presenting the course of government's development policies in supporting and encouraging the spread of renewable energy uses since previous years until today. The study also tries to monitor the reality of the changes and challenges faced by this sector, and its impact on the restructuring of the sector, and some other relevant entities. In the second part, the study reviews the strategy of strengthening local content and policies to support local industries and export development. The study is also based, in its policies ana
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Number: 39
Habib Al-Badawi At the beginning of the 21st century, Japan adopted a new approach toward the international community and called it the "Indian-Pacific Ocean Strategy, Free and Open Area" as a geostrategic concept to strengthen its leading global position through the establishment of an international network of relations, allowing free and smooth flow of the elements of the capitalist system, human and economic, with a hidden objective to curb the Chinese dragon. The English translation of this study is currently not available
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Number: 38
Mohammed Aldujayn This study aims at investigating Saudi tourist phenomenon’s contributions/impacts to/on the tourism industry in Turkey. Additionally, it provides more focus on Trabzon and draw examples and reasons, being it one of the most visited city for people in Saudi Arabia. It explains Saudi phenomenon, how it developed and how it can contribute economically, culturally and socially to Turkey’s tourism industry and specially the city of Trabzon. This report aims at answering the following questions; how Saudi tourists’ phenomenon’s appearance impacts Turkey&rsquo
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Number: 37
Mona Alami The Iraqi Popular Mobilization Units has recently completed its transformation from a loose coalition of militant group groups to a semi state actor, entrenched in Iraqi state institutions thanks to the large victory of a number of its leaders in the recent Iraqi elections under the label of the Fateh Coalition. The PMU emerged in 2014, when it conglomerated a number of substate armed groups under the banner of the Hashd al-Shaabi at the behest of then prime minister, Nouri Malikial-Maliki and after a call by the country’s highest Shiite cleric, Ayatollah Ali Sistani, to fight the e
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Number: 36
Author: Dr. Jack Caravelli Co-Author: Sebastian Maier   Brief statement By US President Donald Trump’s recent decision to pull out of the Iran nuclear deal as well as by engaging with North Korea’s supreme leader Kim Jong-un, the Trump administration has decided to embark on a set of issues fraught with both o
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Number: 35
Fahad L. Alghalib Alsharif The goal in this paper is to analyze the lives of the members of nine communities of African migrants to the city of Jeddah in Saudi Arabia. Through the testimonies of undocumented migrants living in Jeddah, specifically Somalis, Ethiopians, Eritreans, Sudanese, Chadians, Nigerians, Burkinabes, Cameroonians, and Ghanaians, the aim of this article is to study the major social, economic, and security consequences of their presence in Saudi Arabia in general and in the city of Jeddah in particular.  
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Number: 34
Mohammed Al-Sudairi The report examines the ‘United Front’ activities undertaken by the Communist Party of China towards Saudi Overseas Chinese in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, estimated to be anywhere between 150,000 and 180,000. It introduces the concept of the ‘United Front’ as it relates to Chinese politics and foreign relations, examining both its historical evolution and contemporary applications. The report then explores the ways in which United Front activities have been carried out in the Saudi context, and specifically with respect to the Sinophone Muslim (Hui) and T
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Elmira Akhmetova This paper examines the relations between the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (Saudi Arabia) and the Russian Federation (RF) in the light of Muslim minority rights through analyzing the history of Islam in the Russian territory, with a focus on the rights of Muslims under the Tsarist rule since 1552 and during the existence of the Soviet Union. The first part of the paper suggests that, although Muslims are minority in modern Russia today, Islam established itself as an official religion in the Volga-Urals region and Caucasus during the early years of Islam. It also shows that the historica
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Md. Muddassir Quamar India and Saudi Arabia are two ascending powers, both being G-20 economies and important players in respective regions of South Asia and Middle East. In over a decade since the visit of King Abdullah and the signing of Delhi Declaration in 2006, the two have strengthened bilateral relations based on strong trade and frequent political engagements. The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding on defense cooperation in February 2014 added a new dimension with promise for close security cooperation. Bilateral ties were further strengthened by the visit of Prime Minister Narendra Mo
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Dr. Mohammed Al-Sbitli The Maghreb countries face economic difficulties whose origins, manifestations and unity differed from one country to another. This has coincided with different political and social situations, as a result of decades of domestic and regional policies and challenges that have been reflected in the structures of the political and economic system of these countries... The English translation of this study is currently not available.
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