Previous Events

August 7, 2018
Panel Discussion: The Future of the Religious Establishment in Iraq...
August 1, 2018
Panel Discussion: Understanding Western Approaches to the Study of Islamic History and Origins of Islam...
July 29, 2018
Panel Discussion: Forrest Gump of Islamism - Life and Ideas of Sheikh Abdallah Azzam...
May 8, 2018
Panel Discussion: Europe and the Gulf - A Slovenian Perspective...
April 30, 2018
Panel Discussion: Geopolitical Developments in the Horn of Africa and the Red Sea Region...
April 15, 2018
Lecture: Russia’s Policy in the Middle East from 1917 to 2017...
April 15, 2018
Panel Discussion: The Foreign and Domestic Policies of US President Donald Trump - A Critical Appraisal...
April 12, 2018
Workshop: Saudi-American Dialogue - A Younger Generation’s Perspectives...
April 3, 2018
Lecture: Are International Organizations a Game?...
March 27, 2018
Workshop: The Future of Saudi-European Relations...
March 20, 2018
Panel Discussion: The Middle East Peace Process...
March 19, 2018
Lecture: Intellectual Life in Medina from the Eleventh to the Fourteenth Century...
March 4, 2018
Lecture: Argentine G20 Presidency: Vision and Strategy...
February 26, 2018
Lecture: Does Russia Have a Future in the Middle East?...
February 21, 2018
Workshop: Economic and Social Changes in Saudi Arabia and the Future of the Middle East...
February 6, 2018
Lecture: The Future of War - A History...
February 1, 2018
Panel Discussion: Palestinian Reconciliation - Progressive Progress, Next Steps and Challenges...
January 29, 2018
Lecture: The Road to China - Seaborne Exploration in Medieval Islam...
January 22, 2018
Lecture: China and the Changing World Order...
January 14, 2018
Panel Discussion: Security in the Gulf Region and GCC-China Relations...