Previous Events

February 17, 2020
Lecture: The Status of Manuscripts in Mauritania...
February 16, 2020
Workshop: Asia through Gulf Eyes (with Kuwait University)...
February 9, 2020
Panel Discussion: Dose the Kurdish Nation Have Any Friends Other Than Mountains?...
January 28, 2020
Conference: Non-State Actors and the Changing Nature of Conflict...
January 22, 2020
Lecture: Energy and Geopolitics in the Gulf...
January 6, 2020
Panel Discussion: Strategic Changes in the Middle East and Saudi-American Relations...
January 1, 2020
Lecture: Introduction to Semitic Alphabets and Writings...
December 29, 2019
Lecture: The Emergence of Writing...
December 23, 2019
Lecture: Korea’s Peace-making Policy...
November 21, 2019
Lecture: How to be a Great Power - China and the Middle East...
November 18, 2019
Lecture: Captain Shakespeare - Exploring the Desert and the Arab Charm...
November 13, 2019
Workshop on economic and political developments in the Gulf region...
November 7, 2019
Panel Discussion: Mitigation of Civil Damage during Armed Conflict...
November 4, 2019
Lecture: Enabling Health Care through Technology and Innovation...
October 28, 2019
Panel Discussion: The Med-Red Linkage - Common Challenges and Opportunities between the Mediterranean and the Red Sea...
October 26, 2019
Panel Discussion: Economic Reforms in Saudi Arabia under Vision 2030...
October 21, 2019
Lecture: Saudi and European Perspectives on Religious Tolerance and Diversity...
October 20, 2019
Workshop: Regional Developments and Future Scenarios...
October 8, 2019
Lecture: Being Young, Male and Saudi - Identity and Politics in Globalized Kingdom...
August 27, 2019
Lecture: Super Continent - The Logic of Eurasian Integration...