
Number: 12
Author: أولريكه فرايتاغ
Author: المحرر: د. محمد السبيطلي
新一期《非洲追踪》包括多个议题,最主要的是新冠疫情后的非洲经济状况。虽然非洲大陆目前同世界其他地区一样深受疫情蔓延影响,但是疫情对非洲人的影响相对较轻。虽然非洲经济落后、卫生系统脆弱,但是非洲的气候和人口结构削弱了疫情的影响。本期报告注重评估危害、分析现状、寻求应对方案以及如何将疫情危机转变为非洲经济发展和多元化的机遇。 本期报告将通过一系列研究文章进行探讨,其中包括:杰罕·阿卜杜萨拉姆博士的文章,介绍了数字经济的优势和非洲在数字转型中面临的主要挑战;
Author: د. محمد السبيطلي
Number: 59
Author: آلاء الدويش وعثمان المزيد
本文介绍了如何承担社会责任、推动沙特阿拉伯王国非营利部门实现更大的影响力。该部门与王国2030愿景第三部分“雄心壮志的国家”相关。本文旨在提高支持非营利部门的意识,帮助非营利组织实现有战略深度的影响力,能够直接促进沙特社会的振兴,提高机构和个人的决策水平,推动组织架构的建立和发展,增进非营利组织的效能。 本文简要介绍了世界范围内非营利部门的历史和现状,全面分析了沙特阿拉伯王国内非营利组织的现状,并将其与世界其他非营利组织进行了比较。本文总结了王国非营利部
Author: مها فلاته
虽然旅游业是受新冠疫情影响最严重的经济部门之一,但是这段时期也为旅游业增强竞争力、再次接待大量全世界游客提供了良机。沙特旅游部门可以通过自我提升将危机转变为机遇,培养人力资本,为沙特知识型经济奠定基础。建设知识型旅游业有许多方式,包括本文着重阐述的通过培训加强旅游从业人员对当地情况的了解,使从业人员能够更好地向游客进行介绍。 在这方面,日本的经验值得借鉴。日本经常组织评定活动,增进个人对当地的了解,加强旅游从业人员的能力,提升国民对其生活地区的了解。本文
Author: Edited by Mohamed Al-Sbitli
This publication is available in Arabic only
Author: By Makio Yamada
The first five years of the Saudi Vision 2030 period will be over soon. As of the first quarter of 2020, the Saudization rate of the private sector had improved to 20%. Saudi Arabia’s endeavor to create jobs for its young citizens will now continue over the second five-year period. There are two methods of job creation in the Saudi labor market: one is by localizing the existing jobs which are currently occupied by expat workers; the other is by creating new job opportunities. Given that the second method is currently not highly available due to the repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic, the first one is likely to be central to the country’s job creation policy for
Author: By Joshua Yaphe and Jaafar Altaie
Iraqi Prime Minister Mustapha al-Kadhimi faces the same challenges that brought down his predecessor - street protests, a flagging economy and entrenched political elites. Numerous comentators are ready to write him off, and he is unlikely to overcome all of the country's problems before the next elections. However, given the political malaise in Baghdad, Kadhimi has a real chance of coming out ahead with a mandate for reform. This report is available in Arabic only. Its English version has been published by National Council on U.S.-Arab Relations.
Author: Dr. Najah Al-Otaibi
This report examines Saudi Arabia’s current dual approach to reforming the education system. On the one hand, Riyadh is working to weed out extremist narratives directly by encouraging the religious establishment to adopt and promote a moderate interpretation of Islamic rhetoric. On the other hand, the government is working to introduce modern content to the curricula, such as science, philosophy, music, and Chinese language that will help the Kingdom to build a modern economy led by the private sector.   Under Vision 2030, reform of the education system was presented as the means of implementing economic reforms; this deliberat
Author: Joseph A. Kéchichian
This brief study provides a broad examination of the negative assessments of Saudi Arabia published by several authors intrigued to explore, but never patient enough to understand, adjudicate, and empathize with the Saudi people. While not exhaustive, the research aims to identify problems, evaluates various arguments presented by four writers, and assesses the new political realities that confront the Kingdom. The five books selected for evaluation, by Pascal Menoret, Christine Ockrent, Jonathan Rugman, and Ben Hubbard, represent a fair and representative collection. Because recent books concentrate on Heir Apparent Muhammad bin Salman and the killing of Jamal Kha